Saturday, December 4, 2010


I found this fabric remnant at Antiques on Augusta.
They have different vendor's who rent booths and I
guess a vendor was trying to get rid of some extra
remnants they had.  They only wanted $8 for it.
I knew I had seen the same fabric before at another
store. I then went to a local interior design store and
found the same fabric. I asked if they sold it by the yard...
they do for $88.00 a yard!!! They had made a fabulous pillow
with it, but it was a very expensive fabulous pillow.
I went back to the antique store and the remnant is mine.
We are thinking of making a long pillow for the bed and
backing it with a neutral fabric. It is about 21" x 56".
Keeping checking back to see what we make !

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